Saturday, 28 May 2016

Rain on my Umbrella

This weeks theme over at the Three Muses Challenge is.....

A digital page using Mischief Circus kits
and my own stored items.

Thank you for stopping by to see me,
 the comments you leave are always appreciated.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

My Favourite Book

The Dreamers Challenge over at Digital Whisper this week is,,,,,

A digital page for this challenge and a wonderful topic theme for someone who like myself loves books. We have them all around our home ans the day never ends without reading a few chapters from the current book. I remember  my Gran  reading Fairy stories to me as a child,
 many years[decades] ago. 
Thank you for calling in to see me today, the comments you leave are always appreciated.

Mischief Circus kits
Own stored and found images

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Mother and Me

The Dreamers Challenge theme this week over at
is Mother and Child.

I loved this theme and ended up creating two digital versions.

Thank you for stopping by to see me today,
 I always appreciate the comments you leave for me.

Pages made using elements
 from Mischief Circus kits
and my own stored images and backgrounds.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Alice and Friends

A page for this weeks theme....'Book Stories',  over  at

Here is Alice entertaining her friends   for afternoon tea, 
I think you all can guess  the title  of the  book I chose to have fun with..
In case you wonder, the square blocks are cubes of sugar.

Thank you for taking time to call in and see me today,
I always appreciate the comments you leave for me.

A digital page made using
Dezinaworld and Mischief Circus images.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


The Dreamers Challenge at Digital Whisper this week is..... 
This was a challenge for me to say the least, but a Google search found me some free to use  images and I had a couple of  layer Mischief Circus layers I could add,
 so this is my take on the theme with this page.

Thank you for stopping by to see me, the comments you leave for me are always appreciated.